Ca EDTA and the Excretion of Plutonium.

Influence of Ca EDTA (calcium ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid) on the excretion of Pu was studied under a variety of conditions: (1) in chronic Pu poisoning, (2) when Na EDTA and Ca EDTA were used together, (3) when the metal was given by mouth, intratracheally and intramuscularly, and the drug given intraperitoneally, and (4) when zirconium citrate was given along with the Ca EDTA. The drug did influence Pu excretion and removal of Pu from the skeleton in chronic Pu poisoning. Na EDTA given along with Ca EDTA offered no advantage over Ca EDTA alone. The drug did not appreciably influence the mobilization of the radio-active metal from the gut, lung, or an intramuscular site. Combined Ca EDTA and zirconium citrate treatment was no more effective in hastening the excretion of the metal than zirconium citrate alone.