Two-dimensional echocardiographic examination of mitral valve abnormalities associated with coarctation of the aorta.

Coarctation of the aorta is frequently associated with left ventricular inflow tract abnormalities that may be difficult to detect even at cardiac catheterization. This study involved patients with coarctation who underwent comprehensive two-dimensional echocardiographic investigations emphasizing visualization of the mitral valve and its apparatus. Of the 56 patients studied, 23 had completely normal study results, while in 33 (59%) results showed abnormalities of the mitral complex. The latter were divided into two groups: those having major mitral abnormalities (n = 12) and those with minor anomalies of the valve and apparatus (n = 21). The first group included patients with a supravalve stenosing ring, congenital mitral stenosis, mitral valve prolapse, and parachute mitral valve. Minor anomalies were classified as abnormalities of the papillary muscles, chordae tendineae, or combinations of both. No mitral malformations were found in a control group of patients. We conclude that two-dimensional echocardiography is a sensitive and accurate noninvasive method for assessing either significant or subtle forms of left ventricular inflow disease in patients with aortic coarctation. Its use is recommended for the acute medical and surgical management of these patients as well as for their long-term follow-up evaluation.