The Chronic Subluxating Ankle

It has been shown that a significant percentage of patients who "sprain" their ankle sustain a permanent disability.* In fact, Hughes has shown that in 57 cases of injury to the ankle without bony damage about 50% of the patients showed some tilting of the talus when roentgenograms were made with the ankle in forced inversion. Most authors † state that tears of the fibular collateral ligament of the ankle severe enough to be demonstrable roentgenologically in forced inversion should be treated in plaster for 6 to 10 weeks. If the injury to the ligaments is extensive (complete tear of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments), it has been suggested that the ligament be repaired primarily.5 There is a group of patients who eventually have chronic subluxating ankles. Some few patients who sustain severe ligamentous injuries may have to be classed in this group, in spite of proper immobilization

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