The liquid diet and high metabolic water production during flight in the carpenter bee Xylocopa capitata Smith 1854 (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae) causes a water excess, and this is exacerbated by a low dietary intake of ions. The nectar and pollen of the preferred food‐plants, Virgilia divaricata Adamson and Podalyria calyptrata Willd., and other Fabaceae had low levels of sodium. Analyses of the bees and their body fluids showed that the bees have an exceptionally low Na content, and Na homeostasis seems to depend on recycling almost all Na which enters the rectum. The copious dilute urine (137 mOsm) had Na and K concentrations of only 3.4 and 7.0 ITIM, respectively. Isolated preparations of Xylocopa Malpighian tubules secreted a fluid with a K concentration 10 times that of the haemolymph. This means that recycling of K is as important as that of Na, and the bulk of K resorption probably occurs passively in the ileum. This study is the first to examine hymenopteran Malpighian tubules. Their stimulation by cAMP is indicative of the presence of a diuretic hormone in Xylocopa.