Jejuno-ileal bypass has been performed in 226 massively obese patients, 190 of whom have been followed for a minimum of 1 year. End-to-side and end-to-end anasto-moses were compared and no difference in the weight reduction achieved by either technique was seen throughout the 5-year follow-up. There was no significant difference in weight reduction achieved between groups of patients in which the jejunal length varied from 10 to 35 cm and the ileal length from 35 to 10 cm. The weight reduction achieved in the entire series averaged 36·7 ± 9·4 per cent at 2 years, after which no further loss occurred. Good psychological benefits were recorded. Remission of diabetes occurred in 12 of 13 patients and marked long term lowering of serum lipids was seen. Side effects included fluid and electrolyte disturbances and fatty changes in the liver during the first year, improving thereafter. Early cirrhosis of the liver occurred in 8·6 per cent. Other side effects included abdominal bloating, arthralgia and renal colic. The operative mortality was 0·9 per cent and the late mortality directly attributable to the jejuno-ileal bypass, 3·1 per cent. In 19 patients the bypass was discontinued because of severe side effects.