Zulu XX/XX Dispermic Chimaera from Natal with Two Populations of Red Blood Cells and Patchy Skin Pigmentation

The chimaera is female and has two children. Her blood contains 99% grou p 0, type AcP:BA, Pep-A:8-2 and 1% group A2B, type AcP:RA, Pep-A:1 red cells. H-, A- and B-transferase activities were demonstrated in her serum. The level of the H enzyme activity is low but is at the lower end of the normal range for group 0 persons. The levels of the A and B enzymes are also low but are higher than expected in a person with 1% A2B red cells in the blood. The levels of the A and B enzymes indicate that tissues other than the chimaera''s haemopoietic tissue carry her genetically A2B cell line and are contributing the corresponding transferases to her plasma. Gross patchy skin pigmentation is present on the upper part of her body. The chimaera has evidently inherited two dissimilar germ nuclei from each parent.