Clinical features of the 1992 outbreak of equine viral arteritis in Spain

Summary: During 1992, a widespread outbreak of Equine viral arteritis (EVA) occurred at a riding establishment near Barcelona, Spain. A total of 31 out of 186 horses on the premises displayed clinical signs, most frequently, fever, depression, mild ventral and limb oedema and a vesicular‐erosive stomatitis, with hypersalivation, petechiations and small ulcerations. Affected horses developed illness of varying severity with only a few exhibiting a severe form of the disease and no mortality was recorded. Haematological and blood biochemical examination the most severely affected horses revealed a thrombocytopenia, slight leucocytosis with neutrophilia, lymphopenia and eosinopenia, an increase in plasma fibrinogen and a small rise in serum proteins and indirect bilirubin values. Diagnosis was confirmed by demonstration of seroconversion to equine arteritis virus in acute and convalescent phase sera. Attempted isolation of the virus from citrated blood samples proved unsuccessful.