Untersuchungen zum Energie- und Rohproteinbedarf von Jungmastgänsen

In 5 trials using a total of 5,7000 geese (Deutsche Legegans maleXWhite Italian Goose female) of which 482 were slaughtered and subsequently dressed, the influence of varying net energy and crude protein levels in the ration on fattening and carcass performance were studied. Increased crude protein contents were found to improve the meat yield. High-energy feeding likewise caused gains to go up, the extra gain almost exclusively consisting in adipose tissue (particularly skin, and intestinal and abdominal fat). In addition, high energy intakes induced earlier juvenile moulting, this effect making the 56-day old carcasses rather bristly. Therefore, it seems more convenient to fatten geese on low-energy rations (500 energetic feed equivalents/poultry [EFp] per kg) up to the age of 63 days because the meat yield (especially of breast meat) is likely to improve considerably when slaughter takes place at a later date. Goose fattening rations should stick to the following parameters (per kg): 500--550 EFp, 160--180 g crude protein, 8 g lysine, 6.5 g thio-amino acids.

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