Three DNA damage-responsive cell cycle checkpoints can be shown to operate in diploid human fibroblasts. One checkpoint arrests growth in G1, another inhibits replicon initiation in S phase cells, and the third delays progression from G2 into mitosis. Progression from G2 into M is controlled in part by a cyclin-dependent kinase (cyclin B/Cdk1) that is regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of Tyr15 on Cdk1 is inhibitory for kinase activity. Activation of cyclin B/Cdk1 at the onset of mitosis is accomplished by a phosphatase, Cdc25C, that interacts with cyclin B/Cdk1 in an autocatalytic feedback loop to remove the inhibitory phosphate at Tyr15 and activate kinase activity. DNA damage triggers G2 delay by inhibiting formation of the autocatalytic feedback loop so that dephosphorylation of Tyr15 does not occur. This suppression of activation of cyclin B/Cdk1 appears to account for the failure of damaged G2 cells to progress into mitosis. Once the damage to DNA is repaired, cells resume progression into mitosis as the cycle is re-engaged. The isoflavone genistein inhibits tyrosine kinases, including one that phosphorylates Cdk1 on Tyr15. This kinase, p56/p53lyn is rapidly induced by treatments that trigger cell cycle checkpoints (ionizing radiation, cytosine arabinoside), suggesting that this kinase may actively delay the onset of mitosis by phosphorylating Tyr15 on Cdk1. Genistein also inhibits type II DNA topoisomerase to produce a form of DNA damage that triggers all of the DNA damage-responsive cell cycle checkpoints. A brief 10 min incubation with the topoisomerase poison amsacrine was sufficient to trigger the S phase checkpoint response and inhibit replicon initiation. Inhibition of replicon initiation by 1 μM amsacrine was maximal 20–30 min after drug treatment and by 120 min, the checkpoint response had decayed to allow near control rates of replicon initiation. Topoisomerase II poisons also are powerful clastogens inducing lethal and carcinogenic chromosomal aberrations. Type II topoisomerase can break DNA in a region of chromosome 11q23 that contains the ataxia telangiectasia gene (ATM). The ATM gene controls all of the DNA damage-responsive cell cycle checkpoints. Chromosomal aberrations in 11q23 are frequently seen in acute myeloid leukemia that develops as a consequence of etoposide chemotherapy. Thus, topoisomerase poisons such as genistein may trigger chromatid breakage to inactivate AT gene function, disable cell cycle control, and induce genetic instability.

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