In a paper dealing principally with the question of the age and relationships of some Lower Cretaceous bivalve-shells found at Malone, in Texas, I discussed briefly the distribution of those sublittoral Neocomian deposits that are well characterized by the presence of certainTrigoniaeof southern facies. It was shown that traces of this Neocomian fauna, revealing a general community chiefly by the widespread occurrence of these peculiar groups ofTrigonia,unknown in the European area, had been found in different latitudes, both in the eastern and western hemispheres, indicating that there had been northward dispersal along the area of the present American continent from Patagonia to Texas, and in the eastern hemisphere from South Africa to the north-west Himalayan border. Some evidence of the same faunal facies had also been found in New Caledonia. I pointed out that the faunas of these southern Lower CretaceousTrigoniabeds of different regions had been misinterpreted again and again, and that their representatives found in Texas, in South Africa, and in Cutch had been thought by some investigators to be of Jurassic age.