Controlled dosing of nicotine via anIntranasalNicotineAerosolDeliveryDevice (INADD)

The present report describes anIntranasalNicotineAerosolDeliveryDevice (INADD) employing an artist's airbrush as aerosolizer and precise, electromechanical control of spray duration. It was designed for the administration of controlled doses of nicotine in a laboratory setting and has been used successfully in over 30 smokers and nonsmokers of both genders. In the present study, nicotine was administered to 12 male smokers at three different doses (0.05 mg, 1.00 mg, and 2.00 mg), and at the same dose (1 mg) on three different occasions. The low dose produced a minimal change in plasma nicotine, while the high dose produced a peak increment of around 16 ng/ml. The medium dose reliably produced a peak increment of around 8–9 ng/ml on all three occasions. Nicotine in plasma showed a sharp rise followed by a slower decline, mimicking the pattern associated with cigarette smoking. Physiological and biochemical responses showed significant dose-response relationships. Subjective reports suggested that aerosol dosing was somewhat aversive, but it is unclear whether this effect is intrinsic to the method or due to other factors. The device described in this report answers the need for a safe and easy means of controlling nicotine dose. Moreover, since nicotine administration via aerosol is novel for both smokers and non-smokers, minimizing the contributions of behavioral tolerance and habituation to the dosing vehicle, it lends itself to the comparison of the pharmacological effects of nicotine between experienced and naive subjects.