The measurement of serum FSH is useful in the diagnostic workup of the infertile male, but fails to predict the presence of sperm in testicular tissue. We investigated whether inhibin B reflects testic- ular morphology and the presence of sperm more accurately than FSH. Serum inhibin B and gonadotropin levels were determined in 91 infertile men undergoing diagnostic bilateral testicular biopsy. In 52 of the 91 patients multiple samples were taken for testicular sperm extraction (TESE). Inhibin B levels were (mean 6 SEM) 238 6 32 pg/mL in men with normal spermatogenesis (n 5 9), 102 6 18 pg/mL in men with spermatogenetic arrest (n 5 15), 98 6 16 pg/mL in hypospermatogenesis (n 5 23), 41 6 6 pg/mL in focal Sertoli cell-only syndrome (SCO; n 5 26), and 27 6 8 pg/mL in complete SCO (n 5 18). The percentage of SCO tubuli was more strongly correlated to serum inhibin B (r 52 0.58; P , 0.01) than to FSH (r 5 0.34; P , 0.05). Similarly, the percentage of tubules with elongated spermatids was significantly (P , 0.05) more strongly correlated to serum inhibin B (r 5 0.65; P , 0.01) than to FSH (r 52 0.4; P , 0.01). Thus, inhibin B is slightly more sensitive than FSH as an index of the spermatogenic status. Neither FSH nor inhibin B alone, however, could predict the type of spermatogenetic damage exactly. The combination of FSH and inhibin B had high diagnostic sensitivity (88%) and specificity (83%) for the presence of elongated spermatids in testicular biopsies. Sperm could be retrieved in 34 (65%) of the TESE patients. The combination of inhibin B and FSH measurement showed a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 73% when identifying patients in whom sperm could possibly be retrieved by TESE. We conclude that although the mea- surement of serum inhibin B improves the sensitivity of predictive tests for the presence of sperm in histology or for TESE, this param- eter cannot accurately predict TESE outcome. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84: 2496 -2501, 1999)

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