Management of Müllerian Duct Remnants in the Male Patient

We evaluated 36 patients for mullerian duct remnants that were manifest in several forms. The most common type was an enlarged prostatic utricle communicating with the urethra in 22 younger patients, which was associated with hypospadias or intersex disorders in more than 90 per cent of the cases. A cystic mullerian duct remnant was the other configuration noted in 14 older patients who had normal external genitalia and often presented with a rectal mass. The diagnostic consists of voiding cystourethrography, retrograde urethrography and cystoscopy. Other useful imaging techniques are ultrasonography and computerized tomography. Careful delineation of the anatomy of the lower urinary and genital tracts will help to plan surgical therapy. Suprapubic excision was the most frequent operation and it was successful in all 18 patients in whom it was performed.