Absolute Cross Sections for Excitation of Neon by Impact of 20-180-keV H+, H2+, and He+

The technique of heavy-ion energy-loss spectrometry has been used to measure excitation cross sections for the (2p5)3s and (2p5)3p electronic configurations of neon by impact of heavy ions upon ground-state neon. The incident particles used were H+, H2+, and He+ at impact energies from 20 to 180 keV. The results are compared with previous optical measurements of the emission cross sections of lines from these levels as excited by H+ and He+ impact. Agreement is not good, neither in shape nor in absolute magnitude, for excitation of the (2p5)3s configuration. However, agreement is surprisingly good for excitation of the (2p5)3p configuration. A curve-fitting technique has been applied to extract relative singlet-triplet cross sections for levels within the (2p5)3s configuration. Almost no triplet excitation is observed for H+ and H2+ impact. Significant triplet excitation is observed only for He+ impact.