Dielectric Properties of Multi-Component Systems

The phase diagram of 4-n-octyloxyphenyl 4-n-pentyloxybenzoate (nematic) and 2-methylphenylbenzoate (not liqu. cr.) was investigated. In the nematic part of the diagram the complex dielectric constants and the relaxation were evaluated as functions of the temperature and the concentration. In the isotropic state the viscosities were measured as functions of the temperature and the concentration. The results allowed the calculation of the nematic retardation factor, the nematic interaction energy E and the activation energy of the rotation of the longitudinal dipole component. E is only slightly influenced by addition of the not liquid crystalline component. The temperature and concentration dependence of the dielectric anisotropy allows the conclusion, that at a constant temperature difference from the initial clearing in the binary system there are constant values of the retardation factor and the degree of order.