Characterization of a duplication in the terminal band of 4p by molecular cytogenetics

An infant with multiple anomalies including small head, Large apparently low‐set ears, beaked nose, micrognathia, choanal stenosis, proptosis, atrial‐septal defect, and left inguinal hernia was found, on chromosome analysis, to have a longer than normal terminal band 4p16 by G and R‐banding. In situ hybridization of biotin‐labeled DNA probes C39, BJ14, BJ54, BJ19, BJ7, and BJ11 showed them to be duplicated. Probes I14, A157.1, and the telomeric sequence, (TTAGGG)n, which hybridized to the more distal part of 4p16.3, were not duplicated. These result confirm the impression by G and R‐banding of a duplication within band 4p16, a region extending from approximately 2.1 Mb from the telomere, proximally, to the junction of 4p16.1 and 4p15.3. This is the smallest confirmed duplication of distal 4p reported to date, with many of the classical findings of dup(4p) syndrome.