Quality of life in predialytic uremic patients

This study describes and analyses how 38 predialytic uremic patients perceived their sense of well-being, functional ability, level of anxiety and sense of coherence. The patients in this study reported decreased sense of well-being, considerable functional disabilities, and a high level of anxiety when compared to a healthy reference group. These observations were independent of laboratory data with the exception of hemoglobin concentration which showed a significant negative correlation to the SIP scale work. There was a significant negative correlation between the scores of sense of coherence and anxiety. Patients with a weak sense of coherence and a high level of anxiety perceived their well-being as being worse than those with higher scores in the sense of coherence test and lower scores in the level of anxiety test. Sense of well-being in turn influenced functional ability in daily life. Social and marital status also affected the results. These results indicate that the investigated group of predialytic patients have a decrease in quality of life. The results obtained provide a useful instrument showing in which areas care should be concentrated and in what way patients' own resources need to be strengthened while preparing for dialysis treatment.