A Formative Evaluation of the Prairie Science Class

The Prairie Science Class is a formal partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Prairie Wetlands Learning Center and the Fergus Falls Independent School District 544. Its mission is to use the local prairie wetlands ecosystem as an integrating and motivating context to engage fifth-grade students in science, math, and writing through real world, field-based learning experiences. A formative program evaluation was conducted during the first year of its implementation to document program outcomes and areas for program improvement. A variety of quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools were used. The results of this evaluation suggest positive cognitive and affective outcomes, including concept attainment and skill development in science and writing; perceived learning in math; perceived skill growth in problem solving, technology, and working and communicating with others; and positive influences on students’ motivation toward learning, attitudes toward the prairie wetlands environment, and stewardship ethic.