We use a complete sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) selected on the basis of relativistically beamed 15 GHz radio flux density (MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments) to derive the parent radio luminosity function (RLF) of bright radio-selected blazar cores. We use a maximum likelihood method to fit a beamed RLF to the observed data and thereby recover the parameters of the intrinsic (unbeamed) RLF. We analyze two subsamples of the MOJAVE sample: the first contains only objects of known FR II class, with a total of 103 sources, and the second subsample adds 24 objects of uncertain FR class for a total of 127 sources. Both subsamples exclude four known FR I radio galaxies and two gigahertz-peaked spectrum sources. We obtain good fits to both subsamples using a single power law intrinsic RLF and a pure density evolution function of the form zmexp{−1/2[(z − z0)/σ]2}. We find that a previously reported break in the observed MOJAVE RLF actually arises from using incomplete bins (because of the luminosity cutoff) across a steep and strongly evolving RLF, and does not reflect a break in the intrinsic RLF. The derived space density of the parent population of the FR II sources from the MOJAVE sample (with L15 GHz ≥ 1.3 × 1025 W Hz−1) is approximately 1.6 × 103 Gpc −3.

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