Relaxation of Local-Moment Nuclei in Metals

Relaxation processes for the nuclei of dilute S-like local moments in metals are investigated using both perturbation and dynamic-susceptibility techniques. In contrast to host nuclear relaxation, terms analogous to the Benoit-de Gennes-Silhouette (BGS) and Giovannin-Heeger (GH) processes are obtained in the local case by working only to second order in Jsd. The two methods of calculation are found, using the dynamic susceptibilities of Götze and Wölfle, to agree exactly within the approximations used. Contrary to the traditional view, the BGS process is found to consist of both real and virtual local-moment-excitation terms, becoming a purely virtual mechanism for large H0T. The GH process appears as an interference effect between the first-order (Korringa) term and the virtual BGS term. A similar relationship is believed to hold in the host-relaxation case. The local T2 is found to behave rather differently from T1 at low temperatures, with T1 and T2 merging into a single isotropic field-independent rate for sufficiently small H0T. The present calculations provide a qualitative understanding of the AgMn:Mn55 saturation results given by Okuda and Date.

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