Dual axonal terminations from the retrosplenial and visual association cortices in the laterodorsal thalamic nucleus of the rat

Light and electron microscopic tracing studies were conducted to assess the synaptic organization in the laterodorsal thalamic nucleus (LD) of the rat and the laminar origins of corticothalamic terminals from the retrosplenial and visual association cortices to LD. A survey of the general ultrastructure of LD revealed at least three types of presynaptic terminals identified on the basis of size, synaptic vesicle morphology, and synaptic membrane specializations: (1) small axon terminals with round synaptic vesicles (SR), which accounted for the majority of terminal profiles and made asymmetric synaptic contacts predominantly with small dendritic shafts and spines; (2) large axon terminals with round synaptic vesicles (LR), which formed asymmetric synaptic contacts mainly with large dendritic shafts; and (3) small to medium-size axon terminals with pleomorphic synaptic vesicles (SMP), which symmetrically synapsed with a wide range of postsynaptic structures from cell bodies to small dendrites. Synaptic glomeruli were identified, whereas no presynaptic dendrites were found. To characterize and identify corticothalamic terminals arising from the retrosplenial and visual association cortices that project to LD, wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA–HRP) was injected into these cortices. Axons anterogradely labeled with WGA–HRP ended in both SR and LR terminals. On the other hand, dextran-tetramethylrhodamine injected into LD as a retrograde fluorescent tracer labeled large pyramidal cells of layer V as well as small round or multiform cells of layer VI in the retrosplenial and visual association cortices. These findings provide the possibility that corticothalamic terminations from cortical neurons in layer V end as LR terminals, while those from neurons in layer VI end as SR boutons.