A new method for the determination of the formation constants of metal acetate complexes has been developed. The method is based on the polarographic measurement of the sum of the equilibrium concentrations of hydrated metal ions and metal acetate complexes in the presence of an appropriate auxiliary complex-form-ing substance. One of the advantages of the method is that no estimation is required in the course of the calculation. The other is that no information of the dissociation and formation constants is required concerning the auxiliary complex-forming substance. The method is applied to the study of acetatonickel(II) complexes using nitrilo-triacetate as an auxiliary ccmplex-forming substance. The results reveal that only monoacetatonickel (II) ions, NioAc+, exist in the solution containing acetate up to 0.2m in concentration. The formation constants KNiOAc at ionic strength 0.2 are caluclated to be 2.6 at 15°C and 2.4 at 35°C.