Inspiratory Impedance During Active Compression-Decompression Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Background —Blood pressure is severely reduced in patients in cardiac arrest receiving standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Although active compression-decompression (ACD) CPR improves acute hemodynamic parameters, arterial pressures remain suboptimal with this technique. We performed ACD CPR in patients with a new inspiratory threshold valve (ITV) to determine whether lowering intrathoracic pressures during the “relaxation” phase of ACD CPR would enhance venous blood return and overall CPR efficiency. Methods and Results —This prospective, randomized, blinded trial was performed in prehospital mobile intensive care units in Paris, France. Patients in nontraumatic cardiac arrest received ACD CPR plus the ITV or ACD CPR alone for 30 minutes during advanced cardiac life support. End tidal CO 2 (ETCO 2 ), diastolic blood pressure (DAP) and coronary perfusion pressure, and time to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) were measured. Groups were similar with respect to age, gender, and initial rhythm. Mean maximal ETCO 2 , coronary perfusion pressure, and DAP values, respectively (in mm Hg), were 13.1±0.9, 25.0±1.4, and 36.5±1.5 with ACD CPR alone versus 19.1±1.0, 43.3±1.6, and 56.4±1.7 with ACD plus valve ( P P 50 mm Hg. The long-term benefits of this new CPR technology are under investigation.