Evaluation of the performance of a multilayer aquifer system in a regional study is a problem frequently encountered in ground water studies. In this study a finite element Galerkin formulation is presented for the solution of steady state ground water seepage problem in a multilayer aquifer system for microcomputer environments. The computer code which is originally developed on CDC‐CYBER‐855 system is then adopted to an IBMPC system with 256 K core memory capacity using Microsoft version 3.2 FORTRAN Compiler (MS‐FORTRAN Compiler) which runs under version 1.25 of the Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS‐DOS). For fast numeric processing a 8087 processing environment is suggested but such a processor is not necessary for proper execution. In order to verify the validity of the numerical procedure proposed, several numerical experiments are performed and the results obtained are compared with the analytical solutions. The computer code generated is identified as MSGF1 (Multilayer‐Steady‐Groundwater‐Flow) model and it is supported and maintained by the author.