IN THE course of efforts to obtain a recording method for measuring objecttive thresholds of vestibular stimulation, the possibility of using muscle action potentials directly from the extraocular muscles was explored. HISTORICAL REVIEW Bartels1 in 1911 published work on a method of recording the mechanical action of the extraocular muscles. The animal was placed on a rotary platform with the recording apparatus, and, with use of levers, movements of the extraocular muscles were recorded directly. Hoffmann in 19132 modified the apparatus of Bartels and recorded action potentials from the extraocular muscles, likewise directly. Köllner and Hoffmann in 19213 recorded action potentials from the extraocular muscles of the rabbit and studied the relationship of the nystagmus to ear functions. Perez-Cirera in 1932,* using a more refined apparatus than Köllner and Hoffmann, made more accurate records of the action potentials of the extraocular muscles than had previously been reported.

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