Cadmium, zinc, copper and Metallothionein in human tissues (liver and kidney)∗

It was proved by in vitro and animal experiments, that the toxicokinetics (resorption, distribution, deposition and excretion) and, in connection with this, also the toxicity of the metals Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) is closely associated to the low molecular weight protein Metallothionein (Mt). There is a considerable lack of information on the Mt concentration in human tissues and its correlation to Cd, Cu and Zn. Therefore the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn and Mt were determined quantitatively in liver and kidney samples of 184 deceased. The dependence of these concentrations from each other and from further parameters, i.e. age, sex, drinking and smoking habits, or diseases of the organs, is studied. Scalar values (concentrations, age) were compared by Spearman rank correlations. The influence of non‐scalar factors (i.e. sex, diseases etc.) was proved by comparison of the geometric means of the Cd, Cu, Zn and Mt concentrations in the tissues of the corresponding subgroups. The manner of influence of the main factors will be discussed.