Characterization of structural and non-structural proteins of hog cholera virus by means of monoclonal antibodies

A panel of 15 monoclonal antibodies, produced against the hog cholera virus, were characterized by radioimmunoprecipitation assays. Using this panel, we were able to identify 4 sets of monoclonal antibodies precipitating each a different viral protein with relative molecular weight of 40, 46, 120 kDa, respectively, and a protein complex containing 15, 16, 27, and 55 kDa polypeptides which were further characterized. One monoclonal antibody recognized an antigenic determinant at the C-terminal cleavage product of the non-structural p 125 of BVDV. The 40 kDa protein was precipitated from the pelleted virions, indicating its structural importance. On the contrary the 46 kDa protein could only be precipitated from the cell lysate and not from the pelleted virions. The glycosylated 15/16 kDa-55 kDa proteins form a disulfide linked heterodimer on the virus particle with a relative molecular weight of 65 kDa.