Specific heat of Ni(NO3)26NH3between 0.4 and 20 K

The specific heat of Ni(NO3)26NH3 has been measured between 0.4 and 20 K in a mechanical heat switch calorimeter. A sharp λ-like anomaly occurs at the Néel temperature TN=1.345 K. The experimental entropy of the transition was determined to be ΔS=9.125 J/K mol, in quite good agreement with the theoretical value Rln(2S+1)=9.137 J/K mol for S=1. Since EPR measurements indicate that the anisotropy in these crystals is not large, a Heisenberg three-dimensional Hamiltonian has been used for modeling the magnetic behavior. The mean-field approximation indicates that the antiferromagnetic ordering is of the second kind in an fcc lattice. A best fit of the experimental data to a high-temperature expansion yields values for the exchange parameters J1=0.125 K and J2=0.38K which are consistent with this kind of order.