Ostracoda Of the rich fauna of ostracods which Prof. T. Rupert Jones has described from Kildare I have, after careful search, been able to determine only the following two at Keisley:— Primitia m'coyi, Salter This is the form which many previous observers have recorded as Cythere phaseolus (His.), but it is a mistaken identification, as Prof. Rupert Jones ( loc. cir. ) has shown. The species is as abundant at Keisley as it is at Kildare. Cythere wrightiana, Jones This is a rare form at Keisley, only two or three specimens having so far been found. Brachiopoda Obolella cf. Nitens, Hisinger A small transversely-oval shell, with a longitudinal groove from the beak to the anterior margin, appears to belong to this Swedish species. The shell is very thin, and marked with only a few concentric lines of growth; the braehial valve, which here is alone preserved, is much flattened, has a small pointed beak near the margin, an almost straight hinge-line, and a distinct lon~tudinal groove running from the beak to the front edge. The brachial valve of this species figured by Lindstrtöm corresponds very closely in shape and other characters with our Keisley specimen, but the pedicle-valves there delineated are subcircular, and described as shield-shaped, though the breadth is given as twice the length. The species is found in the Trinucleus -schists of Sweden. Our specimen measures 2 millim, in length and 3 in breadth. Orbiculoidea sp A small circular pedicle-valve, ornamented with rather coarse concentric striæ. and possessing a central elevated