Lattice symmetry of the cholesteric blue phases

The cholesteric blue phases (BP I and BP II) can be modeled as cubic lattices of disclinations in a cholesteric matrix. In an earlier paper we presented results of free-energy calculations for three models with O2(P4232),O5(I432), and O8(I4132) space-group symmetry. In the present paper calculations for a fourth model, also of O8 symmetry, are presented (we differentiate these models as O8(+) and O8(), respectively). For a number of cholesterol derivatives we assign the O8() structure to the BP I, and the O2 structure to BP II, on the following evidence: For the case of equal elastic constants the calculations show a crossover of the free energy, the O2 structure being lowest at the higher temperatures, and O8() at lower temperatures. (However, the crossover may disappear for other values of the elastic constants.) The assignment is consistent with the observed BP I and BP II lattice constants in terms of cholesteric pitch. There is excellent agreement between calculated and observed intensities of the Bragg reflections. Some details of the observed Bragg-diffraction spectra are also discussed.