Determination of a zero strain reference for the anteromedial band of the anterior cruciate ligament

The objective of this study was to verify a method previously used to determine a reference length for calculations of anterior cruciate ligament strain. In nine knee specimens, an arthroscopic force probe and a Hall effect transducer were placed in the anteromedial band of the ligament. Anteroposterior‐directed shear loads then were applied to the knee joint with the knee flexed to 30°. From the sigmoidal curve for shear load versus displacement of the anterior cruciate ligament midsubstance, the length of the transducer at the inflection point was determined graphically by two independent examiners. Previous studies suggested that the inflection point corresponds to the slack‐taut transition of the anteromedial band. The force probe was used to determine the actual length of the transducer when the anteromedial band became load bearing. No significant differences were found between the reference lengths determined by the inflection point method and the force probe. The force probe demonstrated that the anterior cruciate ligament became load bearing when an anterior shear load of 8.8 N was applied to the tibia with the knee at 30° of flexion. Furthermore, multiple cycles of anteroposterior shear loading did not influence these values. The force probe verified that the inflection method provides a reasonable estimate of the absolute strain reference (within 0.7% strain).