The author analyzes the role of drift-cyclotron instability, alluded to in ref. 2, in a spatially inhomogeneous plasma. This instability can occur in a not-too-dilute plasma with a finite Larmor radius of the ions, (ϱ/a)2 > (CA/C)2; (CA is the Alfvén velocity, ϱ is the Larmor radius of the ions, and a is the characteristic dimension of the inhomogeneity). The paper contains a detailed investigation of the effects on the instability criterion of various factors: the curvature of the lines of force and the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field, the form of the equilibrium particle velocity distribution function, the relationship between the transverse and longitudinal dimensions of the system, and the ratio of electron to ion temperature. The author concludes that, if the flute (hydrodynamic) instability is stabilized, the drift-cyclotron instability is the most dangerous for a system with a finite Larmor radius of the ions. This instability may be overcome by creating a system with finite intersection of the magnetic lines of force (shear). In short systems this instability need not occur if there is cold plasma of finite density between the hot plasma and the conducting ends of the apparatus.