Preparation of Superconducting Ba2YCu3O7-y/Ag Composite Films by the Dipping-Pyrolysis Process Using Metal Naphthenates at 750°C

Superconducting Ba2YCu3O7-y /Ag composite films were prepared on yttria-stabilized zirconia substrates by the dipping-pyrolysis process. Metal naphthenates were used as starting materials. Homogeneous Ba-Y-Cu-Ag solutions with (Ag/BYCO) molar ratios of 0-1.0 were spin-coated onto the substrates and pyrolyzed at 500°C. Subsequently, these prefired films were heat-treated at 750°C under a low-oxygen partial pressure (=2×10-4 atm) followed by higher-p(O2) annealing. High superconducting transition temperatures, T c,onset(s)'s and T c,zero$(r)'s, o f 88 K-90 K w e r e o b t a i n e d f o r t h e c o m p o s i t e f i l m s w i t h (A g/B Y C O) m o l a r r a t i o s o f 0.1-0.5.