The Effects of Various Light Regimens on the Emergence of Plagiorchis noblei Cercariae from the Molluscan Intermediate Host, Stagnicola elodes

The pattern of emergence of cercariae of Plagiorchis noblei from it''s molluscan intermediate host Stagnicola elodes was remarkably constant and was governed primarily by prevailing light/darkness regimens. Both uninterrupted light and darkness led to the accumulation of cercariae of Plagiorchis noblei in the tissues of it''s molluscan intermediate host Stagnicola elodes. Cercarial emergence was precipitated by a change from light to darkness. A change from darkness to light inhibited cercarial emergence. The vast majority of cercariae emerged within the first hour of darkness. However, once the shedding process have been initiated, it continued for 2 or 3 hr in either light or darkness, but at significantly reduced and progressively diminishing levels.