Benthic infauna was collected at 37 stations in Puget Sound, in Juan de Fuca Strait, and off the northwestern coast of Washington during the summer of 1967, and at 18 additional stations off the southwestern coast of Washington during the summer of 1968. The crustaceans, lamellibranchs, and echinoderms were identified and counted, and the data were subjected to an analysis of affinity among stations, to Fager's recurrent group analysis, and to factor analysis for identification of the benthic communities and the groupings of benthic species in the investigated area.Trellis-diagrams of indices of affinity among the stations, based on the presence or absence of species, indicated four rather distinct groups of stations with specific geographic distributions or relations to certain sediment types. Fager's recurrent group analysis for the 36 most frequently occurring species resulted in eight groups and five species that were strongly associated with one or more of the recurrent groups. Most tests of interspecific relations among the species within the groups were not significant, and it was concluded that the analysis was only partly useful for delimiting species groups with ecological significance. The Q-mode of the factor analysis resulted in three groups of stations distributed in bands parallel to the coast, and each group of stations (community) could be recognized by its distinct sediment types or depth distribution. The R-mode of the factor analysis gave six groups of species with specific preferences of depths, sediment types, or geographic distribution. The results of the various techniques were compared, and their application in benthic synecology was discussed.