Immunocytochemical staining procedures with the HRP‐complexed antibody to substance P have been carried out on the turtle retina. Examination by light microscopy of wholemount retinas has allowed us to evaluate the morphology and distribution of the substance P immunoreactive cell types. Two amacrine cell types and two or more ganglion cell types are stained in our hands. Type A amacrines are tri‐stratified wide‐field amacrines. They have their major dendrites in S1 and S3 of the inner plexiform layer and they emit fine dendrites from the major dendrites that end in varicose boutons in S5 on and around cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer. Some of the dendrites in S1 radiate out in axon‐like fashion for 1 mm across the retina. The type B amacrine cells are small to medium‐field in dendritic extent. They have smaller cell bodies than type A and a single or, at most, two primary dendrites that pass directly to S3 before branching profusely into an intricate net‐like dendritic field. The ganglion cells that are stained with substance P antibodies appear to be of several types but their exact morphologies are in doubt because only portions of their major dendrites are stained. Substance P immunoreactive axons are clearly seen to project from the cell bodies to the optic nerve head and axons are stained in the optic nerve itself.The substance P‐stained ganglion cells occur in an irregular distribution that reaches a peak density in an elongated band parallel to and 1 mm below the visual streak. The type B amacrine cells reach a maximum density in the visual streak and are distributed in a highly regular mosaic decreasing in density in elliptical isodensity contours from the visual streak. In contrast the type A amacrine cells are rare or absent in the streak, being located in an irregular mosaic in peripheral retina.