Enzyme–biomaterial interactions: Effect of biosystems on degradation of polyurethanes

Enzyme‐induced liberation of hard‐segment‐containing components from polyurethanes was evaluated using two 14C‐labeled polyurethanes. A polyester ureaurethane and polyether urea‐urethane were synthesized from toluene‐2,4‐diisocyanate (TDI)/ polycaprolactone diol (PCL) or TDI/polyethylene glycol (PEO) with 14C‐labeled ethylene diamine. Both materials were characterized using electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), size exclusion chromotography, and material chemistry by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Biodegradation assays were carried out using cholesterol esterase (CE), collagenase (CO), cathepsin B (CB), and xanthine oxidase (XO) at the pH optimum conditions for each enzyme at 37°C. Biodegradation was analyzed by monitoring the release of radiolabel, by weight change, and by surface analysis using scanning electron microscopy. The polyester urea‐urethane was shown to be susceptible to enzymatic degradation above the effect of the buffer control solution by the CE but not by the other enzyme systems as monitored by radiolabel released. In the initial period of incubation, the rate of degradation was increased for all systems, including buffer controls; however, the rates dropped off rapidly by day 28. The change in weight data for the polyester urea‐urethane and polyether urea‐urethane showed no enzyme‐dependent biodegradation above the buffer controls. However, in sodium acetate buffer at pH = 5, the polymers showed a significant weight loss relative to other buffers. In conclusion, this study showed that the biological component responsible for the onset of the biodegradation process is more likely the result of a multitude of biologically mediated compounds acting synergistically, with the process being enhanceds by physical parameters such as material dissolution. In addition characterization of surface and bulk chemistry as well as material structure evaluation have been shown to be essential to interpret degradation data. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.