Multiple Lead Ecg Submaximal Treadmill Exercise Tests in Angiographically Documented Coronary Heart Disease

One hundred patients underwent submaximal exercise tolerance testing and coronary cineangiography. Sixty-six percent of the exercise tests were diagnostic including 48 positive and 18 negative tests; 34 patients had indeterminate test results. The occurrence of exercise induced ventricular premature beats was not related to significant coronary artery disease. Ventricular asynergy was significantly more frequent in patients with positive exercise tests (p less than .0001). Application of the age-adjusted target heart rate criterion recommended from Scandinavia and Myrtle Beach to patients with indeterminate results due to failure to reach target heart rate resulted in six false negative tests and lowered sensitivity. The number of positive diagnostic responses achieved using a multiple electrocardiographic lead system was compared with positive diagnostic responses detected in a single lead (V5) and the number of positive tests identified by the additional leads was highly significant (p less than .0001). A high incidence of indeterminate test results due to failure to achieve target heart rate is noted.