Abnormal Lymphocyte Populations in Pure Red Cell Aplasia

Studies of blood lymphocytes from 4 patients with pure red cell aplasia were performed with lymphocyte surface markers, and with various in vitro tests for lymphocyte functions. Pathologically low B[bone marrow-derived]-lymphocyte values were found. No marked deviation from normals were seen for T[thymus-derived]-lymphocytes and Fc-receptor-bearing lymphocytes thought largely to represent non-B, non-T-lymphocytes. In 3 patients normal lymphocyte transformation was found with unspecific and specific mitogens, while the DNA-synthesis induced by unspecific mitogens was subnormal in the 4th patient. The lymphocyte-mediated PHA[phytohemagglutinin]-induced cytotoxicity against target cells in vitro was subnormal in 2 patients, while no depression was seen in antibody-dependent cytotoxicity mediated in vitro by lymphocytes (K[antibody-dependent killer]-cells). Considerable immunological abnormalities are associated with pure red cell aplasia; the possible significance of this is discussed.