The search for short and sensitive cultural methods for detection of Salmonella in foods has met with limited success. Short (3–8 h) incubation of non-selective enrichment media do not provide conditions for effective resuscitation of stressed or injured salmonellae and result in unacceptably high numbers of false-negative results. Isolation of Salmonella is not dependent on the nutritional value of preenrichment media; simple media such as lactose and nutrient broths are equally reliable as highly nutritive sterility testing media. The need for detergents in non-selective enrichment of fatty foods and use of preenrichment transfer volumes greater than 1 ml is not indicated. Although selective enrichment in tetrathionate brilliant green (TBG) broth at an elevated temperature (43 C) increases method sensitivity, use of Mueller-Kauffman TBG under similar analytical conditions may be inhibitory to Salmonella. Refrigeration of preenrichment and selective enrichment broth cultures has been used successfully to...