A comparative study of fluorescence patterns of heterochromatin in mitotic and polytene chromosomes of seven species belonging to 3 subgroups melanogaster sub-group: D. melanogaster and D. simulans; montium sub-group: D. kikkawai and D. jambulina; ananassae sub-group: D. ananassae, D. malerkotliana and D. bipectinata) of the melanogaster species group of Drosophila (Sophophora) has been made. Hoechst 33258 (H) fluorescence patterns of mitotic chromosomes reveal differences correlated to the taxonomic groupings of these species. The melanogaster sub-group species have H-bright regions on heterochromatin of all chromosomes; the montium subgroup species have H-bright regions mainly on the 4th and Y-chromosomes; in the ananassae sub-group, while D. ananassae chromosomes do not show any H-bright regions, D. malerkotliana and D. bipectinata have small H-bright segments only on their 4th chromosomes. The H-and quinacrine mustard (QM) fluorescence patterns of larval salivary gland polytene chromocentre in these species, however, do not show the same taxonomic correlation. While D. ananassae and D. kikkawai polytene nuclei lack any H-or QMbright region in the chromocentre, the remaining species have prominent H-and/or QM-bright region(s). In D. jambulina, the QM-bright regions are generally bigger than H-bright regions, while in D. malerkotliana and D. bipectinata the situation is reversed. Actinomycin D counterstaining prior to H-staining of polytene preparations of each species confirms that the H-bright region/s in the chromocentre are composed of A-T rich sequences. In vivo labelling of salivary gland polytene nuclei with 5-bromodeoxyuridine for 24 to 48 h and subsequent H-staining reveals that in all the species, the H-bright regions do not replicate in 3rd instar stage and presumably represent the non-replicating alpha heterochromatin. Significantly, in all the species (excepting D. kikkawai and D. ananassae), the size, location and the number of H-and/or QM-bright regions were seen to vary in different polytene nuclei in the same gland. It seems that the organization and the extent of under-replication of alpha heterochromatin varies in different polytene nuclei. Present studies also show that even closely related species differ in the content and organization of H-bright heterochromatin. The 81 F band at the base of 3 R in D. melanogaster, but not in D. simulans, appears to contain non-replicating H-bright sequences in addition to replicating chromatin.