Kinetics of Methyl t -Butyl Ether Cometabolism at Low Concentrations by Pure Cultures of Butane-Degrading Bacteria

Butane-oxidizing Arthrobacter (ATCC 27778) bacteria were shown to degrade low concentrations of methylt-butyl ether (MTBE; range, 100 to 800 μg/liter) with an apparent half-saturation concentration (K s) of 2.14 mg/liter and a maximum substrate utilization rate (kc) of 0.43 mg/mg of total suspended solids per day. Arthrobacter bacteria demonstrated MTBE degradation activity when grown on butane but not when grown on glucose, butanol, or tryptose phosphate broth. The presence of butane, tert-butyl alcohol, or acetylene had a negative impact on the MTBE degradation rate. NeitherMethylosinus trichosporium OB3b nor Streptomyces griseus was able to cometabolize MTBE.