There is an increasing interest in using permanent magnet (PM) hysteresis motors because of their superior performances over the conventional hysteresis motors. Recent NdBFe magnets have the advantages of higher magnetic energy product and remanence. It can develop significant accelerating torque during run-up and synchronization with limited temperature tolerance. The application of the NdBFe magnets in electrical machines Is attracting wide attention. This paper presents the perspective of NdBFe magnets in the application to hysteresis motor with a view to improve the overall performance of such motors. Simulated and measured performance characteristics for steady-state operation and transient response are given. Results presented bring out significant Influences on the run-up and synchronization performances of such type of motors. Using the common stator frame of a 3-phase Mawdsley generalized machine, a performance comparison between the PM hysteresis motor and circumferential-flux hysteresis motor is made. These lead to a much, improved understanding of observed behaviour of NdBFe magnets when used as exciter source In PM hysteresis machines.