Peripheral arterial duplex scanning

Recent improvements in duplex ultrasound technology now permit the application of duplex ultrasound to the assessment of arterial occlusive disease from the level of the aorta to the popliteal trifurcation. In our laboratory we have developed duplex waveform criteria for classifying peripheral arterial stenosis into one of five categories: normal, 1%–19% stenosis, 20%–49% stenosis, 50%–99% stenosis and occlusion. When prospectively compared with angiography the duplex examination has a 77% sensitivity and a 98% specificity in determining the presence of a hemody–namically significant lesion (>50% stenosis). The examination can be used clinically to give hemodynamic information about specific arterial lesions, as a screening procedure prior to angiography or angioplasty and as a means of following the results of peripheral arterial surgery and dilatations.