Cryopreservation alters membrane sulfhydryl status of bull spermatozoa: Protection by oxidized glutathione

Cryopreservation induces extensive biophysical and biochemical changes in the membrane of spermatozoa that ultimately decrease the fertility potential of the cells. Sulfhydryl groups of sperm proteins regulate a number of activities of the cells. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of sulfhydryl groups in the sperm membrane were performed by fluorescence microscopy, fluorimetry and electrophoresis. Fluorimetric analysis using 5-iodoacetamidofluoresceine indicated a two-fold increase in the content of sulfhydryl groups in sperm membrane after a freezing/thawing cycle. Electrophoresis of Triton-soluble sperm proteins after labeling with 3-(N-maleimidylpropionyl) biocytin indicated that proteins of 40–65 and 34 kDa range expose more sulfhydryl groups after cooling at 4°C and freezing/thawing. Cryopreservation of spermatozoa changed the distribution pattern of sulfhydryl groups on sperm surface measured with fluorescence microscopy using 5-iodoacetamidofluoresceine. The percentage of spermatozoa labeled at the level of the mid-piece decreased by 50 and 90% after cooling and freezing/thawing, respectively. Spin labeling studies showed a 15% faster rotational diffusion (mobility) of sulfhydryl containing proteins in the membrane of frozen/thawed spermatozoa as compared to that of fresh spermatozoa. Addition of glutathione, reduced (GSH) or oxidized (GSSG), to the cryoprotectant partially prevented the effects of freezing/thawing, such as higher exposure of sulfhydryl groups, changes in the cellular distribution, and enhanced rotational diffusion of sulfhydryl containing proteins of sperm membrane. Addition of GSSG to the cryoprotectant reduced by 35% the loss of motility of spermatozoa undergoing a freezing/thawing cycle. We concluded that cryopreservation perturbs sperm membrane sulfhydryl containing proteins and that these modifications could be partially prevented by the addition of GSSG to the cryopreservation medium. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 60: 498–506, 2001.