A continued fraction is used to express the energy eigenvalues of the (2N+1)-body problem consisting of N immobile and strongly bound Frenkel excitons plus one spinless hole (or electron) on a Bethe lattice of arbitrary coordination K>~2. For the "trion" (N=1), the critical bandwidth ratio νcT(VC)crit for a bound state to exist is given by νcT=1K1, with V and C the valence- and conduction-band hopping matrix elements, respectively. For N>1, the critical νc depends on the geometry and number of excitons if K>2; in one dimension (K=2), νc is always one. Because of the absence of closed loops on the Bethe lattice, the effective mass of the (2N+1)-body complex is always infinite. Residual longer-range interactions between the hole and the excitons can also be easily incorporated in the formalism used. Some particular cases are worked out explicitly.