Plasma and energetic particle structure upstream of a quasi‐parallel interplanetary shock

This paper assembles ISEE 1, 2, and 3 observations of the interplanetary magnetic and electric fields, plasma, magnetohydrodynamic waves, electromagnetic and electrostatic plasma waves, 1‐ to 6‐keV protons and electrons, and >30‐keV/Q ions for the interplanetary shock of November 12, 1978. The shock was high speed (640 km s−1), supercritical, quasi‐parallel, and an efficient accelerator of energetic protons. The flux of >35‐keV protons increased by a factor of 15 in the last 45 min and 270 RE before shock encounter. The >10‐keV proton energy density approached that of the magnetic field and thermal plasma upstream of the shock. The shock was inside a closed magnetic structure that was connected at both ends to the shock. The intensity of ion acoustic and low‐frequency MHD waves increased inside the closed magnetic bubble.