Associations between atopic diseases and the polymorphic systems ABO, kidd, inv and red cell acid phosphatase

In 239 German patients with atopic conditions (atopic dermatitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and acute urticaria) the phenotype and gene distribution of 15 genetic blood polymorphisms (ABO, MNSs, Rhesus, P, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Hp, Gc, Gm, Inv, aP, PGM1, EsD, and 6-PGD) were analyzed and compared with those in 151 selected controls (individuals clinically free of allergic conditions and without allergy in the family history). The incidence of blood group antigens A and B was somewhat higher in patients than in controls. These observations are in accordance with the results of previous studies in other populations. In addition, our observation favor the hypothesis that there are also associations between the phenotypes Jk (a-b+), Inv(1) and red cell acid phosphatase aP a and aP AP on the one hand and atopic disposition on the other. The possible reasons for these associations are discussed.