There are certain golden maxims in programming. One of them is, that no matter how meticulous a programmer is, he spends major portion of his software development time on debugging. In such wise, we must have good debuggers to reduce debugging time. As Lauesen[1] puts it, the superiority of a debugger lies in helping user catch more bugs in given time. Accordingly, power of a debugger is the sole yardstick for goodness of it. Power in this context mean both, functionality and convenience. Other factors, such as, extra information it requires from compiler, its bigger size etc. are irrelevant so long as it is extra powerful. The compexity of the debugger, in terms of efforts required to program it should not be a prohibiting factor either. A debugger is used, as often as, if not more than the compiler itself. Conventional Debuggers[2] which call themselves 'High Level Debugger' are no doubt better than 'Dumpers' but are still too primitive to help user in any substantial manner. Most of them are confined to setting up of breakpoints and examination of unstructured variables. SHD strives to match its level of commands with the thought process of the user for maximum efficiency in detecting bugs.

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