Nucleotide sequence of an insertion sequence (IS) element identified in the T-DNA region of a spontaneous variant of the Ti-plasmid pTiT37

We have identified and determined the nucleotide sequence of an IS element (IS136) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This is the first IS element isolated and sequenced from a nopaline type Ti-plasmid. Our IS element has 32/30 bp inverted repeats with 6 mismatches, is 1,313 bp long and generates 9 bp direct repeats upon integration. IS136 has 3 main open reading frames (ORF's). Only 0RF1 (159 codons) is preceded by sequences that are proposed to serve functional roles in transcriptional and translational initiation. No DNA sequence homology was found between IS136 and IS66. an IS element isolated from an octopine type Ti-plasmid.